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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of house in Radnevo, district Radnevo

starting price: € 3477
area: 892 m2

Public sale of real estate, organized by private court contractor Margarita Dimitrova, registration number He 865, with area of action District Court Stara Zagora. The sale will be held in the building of Radnevo District Court, Tano Daskalov Street, He 1, between 11.10.2024 and 11.11.2024. The following real estates belonging to C.G. are the subject of public sale. D.: 1. Land property with identifier 61460.507.108, area of 802 sq.m, located in Radnevo, street Top 14 with built residential building with identifier 61460.507.105.1 with an area of 31 sq.m. The starting price for this property is 6800 BGN. 2. Building with identifier 61460.505.30.6, with intended garage, with an area of 16 sq.m, located in Radnevo, Dimitar Blagoev Street. The starting price for this property is 2800 BGN. The properties are burdened with a ban in favor of the demandr listed in the Radnevo website on 21.06.2024. The interested parties may visit the court contractor's office each working day to review the documentation. The book on sale is also held in the office of Radnevo District Court. There is a mandatory deposit of 1096 BGN in advance to the account of the private judicial contractor Margarita Dimitrova at the bank CCB AD. Offers for property price shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and shall be reflected in the input register. On 12.11.2024 the public sale will take place in the building of Radnevo District Court, where the proposals will be opened and the highest price will be declared a buyer. Participants may offer an oral price increase with the size of one call.

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