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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of other in Cherni vrah, district Valchedram

starting price: € 460
area: 981 m2

Public sale of real estate, owned by the mortgage debtor P.K.O. Yambol, with debtors M.M.D., V.M.P., Makte Krop Ltd. was announced. The property is situated in 4572 sq.m., situated in Radnevo, Radnevo municipality, near Stara Zagora. The territory is urbanized with a way of lasting use - low construction (up to 10 m). The property has identifiers 61460.505.587, 61460.505.388, 61460.505.389, 61460.505.390, previous plan number: 2211, 2236, 1410, 2235, district: 113, plot: HU, HM, HS, P. Granichi with other plots. The starting price for the sale is BGN 98928. There are mortgages for amounts of BGN 95000 and BGN 55000, as well as prohibited in favor of the demanding and the Municipality of Radnevo. Those who want to see the property can see the property every Monday and Wednesday from 3:00 to 6:00. Participation in the bidding requires the submission of a call of 10% of the valuation. The bids must indicate their price with numbers and words and submit their offer in a sealed envelope. Offers for a price below or above 30% of the price are invalid. The buyer's announcement will take place on the next working day following the end of the sale. In the case of competition between bids, the price rises by the amount of the call. The bider who offered the highest price becomes a buyer of the property. The tender is submitted to DSK EAD Bank on the VAM 34357 account.

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