There is a public sale of real estate, which will be held in the District Court of Radnevo, located in Radnevo, 6, Ognyan Me Str., Bulgaria. Ah, floor two, apartment four. The property is owned by the heirs of V.N.V. who accepted the inheritance according to inventory from A.G.G. and N.G. G. It is about an apartment with an area of 57.73 sq.m, designed for an apartment located in a residential building in Radnevo, Radnevo municipality, Stara Zagora district. The property has identifier 61460.505.55.4 and starts with a price of 26 365.80 BGN. There are weights on the property - a ban in favor of the demanding person listed in VW Radnevo on 19.06.2024 and forbade in favor of R.B.E., listed in VW Radnevo on 28.10.2020. The deadline for participation in the sale is BGN 1090 and is paid in advance at the account of the court contractor Margarita Dimitrova in the bank CCB AD. The bids must indicate the price they offer, as well as submit their offer with a receipt for the package submitted in a sealed envelope. On 25.09.2024 the court contractor will open the bids of the biders and announce the buyer who has offered the highest price. If there is an oral proposal for a higher price, with the amount of one call, the sale may continue. Finally, the buyer announces the highest bidder.
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