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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

Property Auctions
Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Land for building

Auction sale of land for building in Pshenichevo, district Stara Zagora

starting price: € 1841
area: 910 m2

Public sale of real estate located in the village of Pshenichevo, municipality of Stara Zagora, owned by the debtor E.P.J. was announced. One property is a non-residential yard with identification number HR - 230 in sq.41 according to the village plan, total area of 910 sq.m., including 15 sq.m. from the street. Boundaries of the property: north - street, east - street, southeast - UPI S-231, south-west and west - UPIP-230. The starting price for the property is 3 600 BGN. There is a ban on property introduced on 10.08.2021 in favour of the demandr. Those who wish to view the property can review each working day from 13:00 to 17:00 at the time of the public sale. The book for sale is available in the office of the District Court in Stara Zagora and in the office of the private judicial contractor. An amount of BGN 1090 on the starting price of the property for participation in the bidding is required. The bids must indicate the price offered by them with numbers and words and hand it over in a sealed envelope together with the receipt for the submission to the office of the District Court in Stara Zagora. Any bidder can make only one offer. Offers for a price below the initial or exceeding the price by more than BGN 3090 are invalid. After the sale is completed, the private court contractor will announce the bids received to the participants in the building of the District Court in Stara Zagora.

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