Public sale of real estate in Pshenichevo village, Stara Zagora municipality, belonging to the debtor E.P.I. was announced. The first property is unbuilt yard, UPI P-230 in sq.41 with an area of 1246 sq.m., with initial price of 5 440 BGN. Limits: from the east - UPI HP-230, from the west - UPIT-227 and UPI H-228, from the north - street and from the south - UPITH-229. The second property is an unbuilt yard, UPI HR-230 in sq.41 with an area of 910 sq.m., with an initial price of 4 000 BGN. Border: from the north - street, from the east - street, from the southeast - UPI S-231, from the south and west - UPIP-230. On the property there are weights of 10.08.2021 in favor of the demanding. A property view can be carried out every working day from 1 pm to 5 pm. The sale starts with the introduction of a task of BGN 1090 on the initial price of the property. The bids must indicate their price with numbers and words and submit their proposals in a sealed envelope in the office of the District Court of Stara Zagora. The bidding proposals must be only one and cannot be below the starting price or exceed it by more than BGN 3090. The sale will be closed on the next working day after the announcement of the bids in the presence of the bids.
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