Public sale of real estate located in the village of Preslaven, municipality of Stara Zagora, owned by P.G.P. was announced. The properties are an ideal part of a yard, with an area of 991 sq.m, constituting a regulated soil property XX1-316. The price for the sold ideal part is 800 BGN. There is a ban in favor of the demandr listed in the S.S.H. on 02.09.2022. The interested parties may review the documents on the sale at the court contractor's office. Margarita Dimitrova or the office of Stara Zagora District Court every week from 10:00 to 11:30. There is a mandatory deposit of 1090 BGN to the bank CCB AD, at the account of C.M.D., before participation in the sale. The biders must submit their proposals in a sealed envelope with a receipt for the submitted request in the office of the District Court of Stara Zagora. On 29.03.2023 the proposals will be opened to the presence of the bidders and the court contractor will draw up a protocol with the highest price. The buyer will be announced at the courthouse.
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