Public sale of real estate belonging to the debtor S.G.T., organized by the private judicial contractor Krastyo Angelov was announced. The public sale will take place from 17.05.2024 to 17.06.2024 inclusive, accepting bidding proposals in the office of the Regional Court - Chirpan. The real estate to be sold is: 1. Ideal part of a massive agricultural building - "Volwarnik" with an area of 420 sq.m. in Partizanin village, Daskalovi Municipality, Stara Zagora district. The starting price is BGN 4 608 2. Massive building - "Veterinary infirmary" with an area of 104 sq.m in Partizanin village, Daskalovi Municipality, Stara Zagora area. The starting price is BGN 11 520 3. Massive agricultural building - Kravarnik with an area of 1020 sq.m. in Partizanin village, Daskalovi Municipality, Stara Zagora area. The starting price is BGN 20 736. Property can be viewed every working day from 10:00 to 17:00. The properties are covered by the following: legal mortgage of 22.12.2021, in favour of the applicant, contractual mortgage of 18.02.2022 in favour of the VZKPC "Agriculture" prohibited by 22.03.2023 in the current implementation case. To participate in the bidding is required to place a task of BGN 1090 on the starting price for each property. The bids must indicate the proposed price with figures and words and submit their proposals in a sealed envelope in the office of the Chirpan District Court. Offers at a price below the starting price and exceeding it by more than 3090 BGN are invalid. The announcement of the bids received will be made in the presence of the bidding parties in the building of the Chirpan District Court.
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