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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of farmland in Partizanin, district Bratya Daskalovi

starting price: € 7363
area: 104 m2

Public sale of several real estate belonging to the debtor S.G.T., organized by the private judicial contractor Krastyo Angelov was announced. The properties are located in the village of Partizanin, the municipality of Bratya Daskalovi, Stara Zagora district. The public sale includes the following properties: 1/2 ideal part of a massive agricultural building - "Volwarnik" with an area of 420 sq.m. Starting price: BGN 5 760 2. Agricultural building - "Senoval and FGF" with an area of 500 sq.m. Starting price: 15 840 BGN 3. Massive building - "Veterinary infirmary" with an area of 104 sq.m. Starting price: 14 400 BGN 4. Massive agricultural building - Kravarnik with an area of 1020 sq.m. Starting price: 25 920 BGN 5. Massive agricultural building - "Gelcharnik" with an area of 450 sq.m. Starting price: 17 280 BGN Those who wish to look at the properties every working day from 10:00 to 17:00 during the period of sale through the appointed guard - the debtor S.G.T.. The property is covered by different weights, including mortgages. An amount of BGN 1090 is required for the initial price for participation in the bidding. The bids must indicate the price offered by them in numbers and words and submit it in a sealed envelope in the office of the Chirpan District Court. The proposals at a price below the initial or exceed it by more than BGN 3090 are invalid. At the end of the sale, the private court contractor will announce the bids received to the attendees at the Chirpan District Court building.

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