There is a public sale of several real estates located in the village of Kolena, municipality of Stara Zagora. The properties are owned by G.T.G., who owes him in a lawsuit. The sale will be held in the building of the District Court of Stara Zagora, the price from which the sale starts, for each ideal part is pre-defined. The first property is agricultural land with identifier 38039.12.29, with an area of 1500 sq.m, categorized as levels. The price from which the sale starts is 272 BGN for each third perfect part of the property. The second property is agricultural land with identifier 38039.12.38, with area of 5099 sq.m, categorized as levels. The price from which the sale starts is 920 BGN for each third perfect part of the property. The third property is agricultural land with identifier 38039.12.103, with an area of 3950 sq.m, categorized as levels. The price from which the sale starts is 720 BGN for each third perfect part of the property. The properties have burdens in favor of the demandr and in favor of the E.F.O. Participation in the sale must be required in advance to submit a claim to a bank. The bids must offer a price for the property in numbers and words and submit their offer with a receipt for the submitted demand in a sealed envelope. The sale will take place on 18.07.2024 in the presence of the bids, as a buyer is announced the highest bidder. After the announcement of the buyer, other bids can offer a higher price. When the offers run out, a buyer is defined as the highest bidder.
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