There is a public sale of several real estates located in the village of Kolena, municipality of Stara Zagora. The first property is agricultural land with identifier 38039.12.29, with an area of 1500 sq.m, with a way of lasting use - levels. The price from which the sale starts is 272 BGN for 1/3 an ideal part of the property. The second property has an identifier 38039.12.38, with an area of 5099 sq.m, also agricultural land with a way of lasting use - levels. The price for 1/3 ideal part of it is 920 BGN. The third property has an identifier 38039.12.103, with an area of 3950 sq.m, again agricultural land with a way of lasting use - levels. The price for 1/3 of it is 720 BGN. All properties have weights listed in C.S. W... The interested may see the property every Monday from 10:00 to 11:30. An amount of BGN 1090 for participation in the sale is required. The bids must be presented in a sealed envelope in the office of Stara Zagora District Court. On 18.07.2024 the bids of the bids will be opened, as a buyer is the one that offered the highest price. In the case of an oral proposal for a higher price, the procedure shall be repeated.
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