Public sale of real estate in the village of Kolena, Stara Zagora municipality, Stara Zagora district was announced. The property belongs to Y.T.C. and is subject to a performance case under number X 20208650400634. At the public sale will be offered 2 perfect part of a regulated land property with an area of 841 sq.m, including buildings such as a massive building - garage and a coveted building. The property is prohibited in favour of the applicant and the Agency for the recovery of claims. The starting price of the sale is 4000 BGN. Those who want to get acquainted with the property can do it at the court contractor's office every day. There is a mandatory deposit of 1070 BGN in the bank account of the contractor before participation in the sale. The price proposals are submitted in a sealed envelope in the office of the District Court in Stara Zagora. The biders offer a price in figures and words and on 1 December 2023 the public sale takes place where the participants can offer a higher price. The bider, offering the highest price, becomes the winner.
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