Public sale of real estate, organized by private judicial contractor Margarita Dimitrova, with area of action District Court Stara Zagora was announced. The sale will be held in the building of the District Court of Stara Zagora, between 16.09.2023 and 16.10.2023 and includes the following real estates owned by G.T.G., debtor in a performance case: 1. 1/3 ideal part of a crop property with identifier 38039.12.38, with area of 5099 sq.m in the village of Kolena, municipality of Stara Zagora, with method of use - levels. The starting price for this property is 378.40 BGN. 2. 1/3 ideal part of a crop property with identifier 38039.12.29, with area of 1500 sq.m in the village of Kolena, municipality of Stara Zagora, with method of use - levels. The starting price for this property is 1286.67 BGN. 3. 1/3 ideal part of a crop property with identifier 38039.12.103, with area of 3950 sq.m in the village of Kolena, municipality of Stara Zagora, with method of use - levels. The starting price for this property is 996.80 BGN. All properties have burdens, including bans in favor of the demands. It is imperative that participation in the sale be guaranteed by a task that must be submitted in advance to the account of the private judicial contractor Margarita Dimitrova. The bid will take place on 17.10.2023 in the building of the District Court Stara Zagora, as a buyer of the property is considered the bidder who offered the highest price. In the case of an oral proposal for a higher price, an additional bid shall be required. Upon completion of the proposals, the buyer of the property is announced the bidder who offered the highest price.
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