Public sale of real estate is announced, located in Kazanlak town, Kazanlak municipality, Stara Zagora district, in the Old Vineyard area. The property is owned by D.C.K. and is subject to executive case number Ho 20188650400287. The sale will be held in the building of Kazanlak District Court, 16 Paisiy Hilendarski Str., He, between 09.08.2024 and 09.09.2024. The real estate is built on agricultural land with a permanent purpose for a vineyard, with an area of 1054 sq.m. Neighbors of the property have identifiers 35167.161.553, 35167.161.574, 35167.161.571, 35167.161.164, 35167.161.555. There is a seasonal building on the property that is not cadastral filmed. The starting price for the sale is 12 000 BGN. There are several burdens on the property, including bans in favour of various institutions listed in Stara Zagora. There is a mandatory deposit of 1020 BGN to the bank CCB AD, Stara Zagora, for participation in the sale. The bids must offer their price in a printed envelope with a mandatory deposit. A view of the property can be done every Monday from 10:00 to 11:30 on-site. On 10.09.2024 an auction will be held, where only the performers participate. A buyer of the property will be the one who offers the highest price. The biders can increase the bid price during the auction.
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