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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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3 bed flat

Auction sale of 3 bed flat in Kazanlak, district Kazanlak

starting price: € 32825
area: 83 m2

Public sale of real estate, owned by the debtor A.A.B., is announced, which will be held by private judicial contractor Gergana Ilcheva. The property to be sold is apartment number 13, located in Kazanlak, East, block 42, entrance "A" on the fifth floor. The apartment has a built-up area of 83.36 sq.m. and includes three rooms, kitchen and service rooms, as well as a winery number 15 with useful area of 8.00 sq.m. The property is a private site in a building and is certified with an identifier He 35167.505.542.1.13. The starting price of the public sale is 64 200 BGN. On the property are registered weights, such as a contractual mortgage and forbade in favor of the applicant Eurobank Bulgaria AD. Those who wish to participate in the public sale must submit a bidding offer in the office of Regional Court in Kazanlak until 25.07.2024. The bidding proposals shall be in accordance with the starting price and shall be submitted with a receipt for the package submitted in a sealed envelope. Upon completion of the deadline for submission of proposals, the bidding proposals will be announced on 26.07.2024 and the buyer of the property will be determined on the basis of the highest bid price. All interested parties may review the property during the working time prior to the public sale. For further information and details on the sale procedure, please contact private judicial contractor Gergana Ilcheva.

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