Public sale of real estate in Kazanlak, organized by the private judicial contractor R.B.M. was announced. The property is land-based with an identifier 35167.501.7144, with an area of 439 sq.m, located on urbanized territory. The property has constructions with a total built area of 106 sq.m. - residential building, building of complementary building and other buildings. The starting price of the property is 37 170 BGN. All interested parties may submit their offers by 17:00 on 03.07.2024 at the office of the Regional Court in Kazanlak. To participate in the sale, it is necessary to place a call and submit the bidding proposals. Public sale will take place on 03.06.2024 at 9:00 in Kazanlak. All submitted proposals will be considered, and if any of the judges in the division wish to buy the property, a new sale will take place. Sums over 30 000 BGN require a declaration of origin of the funds.
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