Public sale of real estate owned by Yovcheva Koleva, Yovcho Delchev and Tonka Kaneva, Penyu Petrova, Ganev Kartelov, Zhivka, located in Kazanlak city was announced. The property is a private site in a multi-family residential building with identifier 35167.501.376, designed for apartment-apartment with built-up area of 98.99 sq.m. The starting bid price is BGN 108 000. In addition, there is also a regulated land plot with an area of 951 sq.m. in the village of Dubovo, with an initial price of 19 800 BGN. The properties have filed claim entries. An amount of 10% of the starting price for participation in the public sale is mandatory. All bidding proposals should be entered in the RS Kazanlak registry. Proposals below or above the starting price shall be invalid. The bid will be held in the presence of the court contractor at the Kazanlak District Court. In the event of a dispute over the price, an oral bid shall be held. According to Art. 354 BPC, if the property is not purchased by the judges, it is offered to the highest bidder. For all amounts over 30 000 BGN it is necessary to present a declaration of origin of the funds under the Law on Measures against Money Laundering.
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