Public sale of real estate is announced, which is located in the village of Kaloyanovets, Stara Zagora municipality, Stara Zagora district. The property is owned by V.M.M. and R.V.M., who are debtors in the execution of the judicial contractor Margarita Dimitrova. The property is a regulated land property with an area of 715 sq. m, the price from which the sale starts is 5148 BGN. The property has weights by being prohibited in favour of the demandr listed on 07.04.2023. The interested parties can review the papers and report to the court contractor's office every day. It is imperative to submit a 100-year debt on the property price in advance on the account of the court contractor. The bids must indicate the price offered by them with figures and words, the proposals being submitted in a sealed envelope in the office of the District Court in Stara Zagora. The sale will take place on 31.10.2023 at the beginning of the working day in the building of Stara Zagora District Court and will be completed with the bidding at the highest price.
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