Public sale of real estate, organized by private judicial contractor R.B.M., has been announced. The sale shall be carried out in order to satisfy the claim of the applicant in the case relating to the ownership of the debtor A.B.P.. The real estate subject to sale consists of 1/2 ideal parts of land estate with identifier 77431.55.20 and 1/2 ideal parts of land property with identifier 77431.55.21, located in the village of Christianovo, Stara Zagora, Stara Zagora district. The first property has an area of 6451 sq.m, with a territorial purpose agricultural land category 5, and it has been banned in favour of the applicant and a lease contract. The starting price for bidding of this property is 4451.20 BGN. The second property has an area of 6499 sq.m, also with a territorial purpose agricultural land category 5, on which there are also prohibited in favour of the applicant and a lease contract. The starting price for the second property is 4484.40 BGN. Those willing to look at the properties can do it any Friday after prior appointment. An amount of 10% of the starting price for participation in the public sale is mandatory. The bidding proposals, which are below the starting price or exceed by more than 3000 BGN, are invalid. After closing the working time on the last day of the sale, the bidding proposals cannot be withdrawn. The sale will be announced the next day in the presence of the buyer and the bids. The declared prices must be submitted in both figures and words in a sealed envelope together with a receipt for the submitted order. All participants must comply with the requirements of the Law on Measures against Money Laundering.
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