Public sale of real estate belonging to D.C., organized by private judicial contractor Ivan Strumsky was announced. The sale will take place in Kazanlak District Court between 15.11.2022 and 15.12.2022 of the following properties: 1. Land property with identifier 14026.74.14, area 4 000 sq.m. in Gabarevo village, municipality of Pavel Banya, intended for agricultural activity. There is a mortgage on the property in favor of Vance Agro Ltd and other prohibited in favour of PIB AD. The starting price for the property is BGN 2080. 2. Land property with identifier 14026.74.10, area 7 004 sq.m. in Gabarevo village, municipality of Pavel Banya, intended for agricultural activity. On the property there is a mortgage and prohibited in favor of various companies. The starting price for the property is 3640 BGN. 3. Land property with identifier 14026.84.6, area 2 000 sq.m. in Gabarevo village, municipality of Pavel Banya, purpose of forest activity. On the property there is a mortgage and prohibited in favor of various companies. The starting price for the property is 864 BGN. Property can be viewed every weekday from 9:00 to 17:00 during the public sale. To participate in the sale, the bids must pay 1090 BGN for each property in advance on an account in a bank. The proposals for the purchase of the properties are submitted to RS Kazanlak's office until 15.12.2022. The biders can offer a higher price after the buyer is announced. The sale will end at the end of the working day on 15.12.2022, as a buyer is considered the highest bidder.
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