Public sale of real estate in Elhovo village, Stara Zagora municipality, owned by S.S. D... The first property is an ideal part of a crop property with identifier 27379.104, with area of 401 sq.m, located in the village of Elkovo. The starting price for this property is 91.20 BGN. The second property is an ideal part of a crop property with identifier 27379.8.28, with an area of 2000 sq.m, located in the village of Elkovo. The starting price for the second property is 456 BGN. The properties are burdened with bans in favor of the demander entered in Stara Zagora. Those who wish to appear at the sale may look at the documents in the law firm of the court or in the District Court of Stara Zagora at certain days and hours. The bid for participation in the sale is 10% of the property price and is imported in advance by bank transfer. The offers for purchase are submitted in a sealed envelope in the office of the District Court and will be opened on 13.12.2024 before the presence of the bids, announcing the highest bidder.
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