Public sale of real estate located in the village of Elhovo, municipality of Stara Zagora, owned by S.S. D... The first property is an ideal part of land property with identifier 27379.104, with a lasting purpose for agricultural activity, with an area of 401 sq.m, located in Lozenka locality. The starting price for this property is 91.20 BGN. The second property is an ideal part of land property with identifier 27379.8.28, with a lasting purpose for agricultural activity, with an area of 2000 sq.m, located in Shumata 9 locality. The starting price for the second property is 456 BGN. There are weights on the properties listed in Stara Zagora. The interested may review the properties of the contractor's office every working day, as well as the office of the District Court of Stara Zagora at a specified time. It is mandatory to place a 10% charge on the property price for participation in the sale. Offers for purchase shall be submitted in a sealed envelope in the office of the District Court and shall be opened to the submitters on the specified date. It was the buyer who offered the highest price. The sale will take place on 13.12.2024 in the building of Stara Zagora District Court.
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