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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of farmland in Elhovo, district Stara Zagora

starting price: € 563
area: 7095 m2

There was a public sale of several real estates owned by the debtor Stanimir Dimitrov, in the village of Elhovo, Stara Zagora. The properties will be sold through public sale, which will be held in the building of the District Court of Stara Zagora from 28.02.2023 to 28.03.2023. The first property is an ideal part of soil property with identifier 27379.92.11, with an area of 7095 sq.m, intended for agricultural activity located in Elhovo village. The price from which the sale starts is 1101.60 BGN. The second property is an ideal part of soil property with identifier 27379.21.24, with area of 3999 sq.m, intended for agricultural activity located in Elhovo village. The price from which the sale starts is 288 BGN. The third property is an ideal part of soil property with identifier 27379.36.72, with an area of 3644 sq.m, intended for agricultural activity located in Elhovo village. The price from which the sale starts is 390.24 BGN. The properties have burdens, including a ban in favour of the demandr and a lease contract. An amount of BGN 1070 in advance is required to be paid in advance to the account of the court performer. biders can submit proposals with a price in both figures and words, with proposals being submitted in a sealed envelope. The sale will take place on 29.03.2023 at the beginning of the working day in the building of Stara Zagora District Court. The highest bidder will be declared a buyer. In the case of more than one bider with proposals for the highest price, an additional bid may be held. The sales book is held in the office of the District Court of Stara Zagora for review. All interested parties can review the properties every Monday from 10:00 to 11:30 at their location.

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