Public sale of real estate, owned by the debtor N.K.H., organized by private judicial contractor Gergana Ilcheva was announced. The properties are located in the village of Dolno Izvorovo, Kazanlak municipality, Stara Zagora district. 1. The first property is levels with identifier 22633.96.19, with area of 5 098 sq.m., with initial price of 7 344 BGN. Weights include foreclosure for the benefit of different persons. 2. The second property is levels with identifier 22633.97.23, with area of 3 724 sq.m. and initial price of 5 364 лв. Weights include lease contracts and foreclosures in favour of different banks. 3. The third property is levels with identifier 22633.110.7, with area of 7 923 sq. m. and initial price of 11 412 BGN. Weights include lease contracts and foreclosures in favour of different banks. The eligible participants must submit a fee of 10% of the starting price of the property, paying it to the account of the private judicial contractor Gergana Ilcheva. The proposals are accepted until 25.10.2023 in the office of Regional Court in Kazanlak. The bid will take place on 26.10.2023 in the District Court building, announcing the bids received. The highest price will determine the buyer. The proposals by persons without the right to participate are invalid, the proposals for a price below the starting price and those exceeding the starting price by more than 30%. The buyer's announcement will take place on the same day, drawing up a protocol.
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