Public sale of real estate belonging to the debtors N.S. and D.Y.A. has been announced. S... The following properties are the subject of the sale: 1. 5/6 ETH OF POSITION IMPACT with identifier 81414.502.1529 according to the plan of Chirpan, with address 5 Sharampole Street, with an area of 391 sq.m., intended for low construction, with buildings with identifiers 8114.502.1529.2, 81414.502.1529.3, 8141414. 502.1529.4 and 81414.502.1529.5. 2. DOOR with an area of 390 sq.m, located in Chirpan, in 66, with an initial price of 24 000 BGN. The sale will be held in the office of the Regional Court - Chirpan, with anyone willing to point out a higher price than the initial, forming a bidding offer in a sealed envelope. The interested may review the property in the District Court or after prior appointment with the property keeper. The commitment to participate in the sale shall be submitted in advance by bank transfer. The bids must present the proposed price with figures and words, as well as a receipt for the submitted bid. The bidding proposals shall be submitted to the Regional Court and shall be reflected in an entry register. Public sale is open to all interested, subject to certain rules and requirements.
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