Public sale of real estate, owned by the debtor "Bozhana - 2011" Ltd, represented by the manager M.T.B. was announced. The property is located in Chirpan city, Chirpan municipality, Stara Zagora district. The plot has identifier 81414.502.1525, with area of 394 sq. m., with commercial purpose. There are two buildings - one with an area of 92 sq. m. and a purpose for trade and the other with an area of 218 sq. m. and also a purpose for trade. The property has a concrete flooring and a massive fence from the south. The starting price of the property is 164 160 BGN. The burdens on the property include a bet in favor of Investbank AD, banned in favor of the National Revenue Agency and Eurobank Bulgaria AD. Those who wish to inspect the property may review the property during working days prior to the public sale. Participation in the bidding is required to pay 10% of the starting price by bank transfer. The bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope by 27.06.2024 in the office of Regional Court, Chirpan. The next day the proposals will be announced, as a buyer is the one who has offered the highest price. The proposals below or above the starting price by more than 30% are invalid. In the event of a price draw, an oral bid shall be held. For transfers of amounts over 30 000 BGN are required declarations under the Law for measures against money in non-compliance.
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