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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

Property Auctions
Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Factory, Manufacturing

Auction sale of factory, manufacturing in Chirpan, district Chirpan

starting price: € 3313
area: 174 m2

Public sale of real estate in the district of Stara Zagora District Court was announced. Private judicial contractor Ivelina Bivolova announces the sale of the property of the debtor "Serdika AD" to satisfy the claim of "State guarantee." The properties sold include: 1. Land property with identifier 81414.502.39 in Stara Zagora area, with an area of 5497 sq.m, with a lasting purpose for a production or storage site. 2. Building with identifier 81414.502.3932.1, purpose - industrial building, area 1627 sq.m, on 4 floors. 3. Building with identifier 81414.502.3932.2, purpose - industrial building, area 174 sq.m, on 1 floor. 4. Building with identifier 8114.502.3932.3, purpose - industrial building, size 34 sq.m, on 1 floor. The sale of the properties will take place in Chirpan District Court. Anyone who wishes to participate may indicate a proposal at the starting price by sealing their proposal in an opaque envelope. The proposals can be submitted to the Regional Court of Chirpan by submitting a request in advance by bank transfer. The bidding proposals will be open to the attendees and the buyer will be announced. The bids must comply with the conditions for participation, including not exceeding the starting price by more than 30% and the proposals are invalid if they exceed the starting price by more than 30%. The sale will take place in the presence of private judicial contractor Ivelina Bivolova, who will draw up a protocol and announce the buyer.

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