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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of other in Bansko, district Bansko

starting price: € 6815
area: 19 m2

Public sale of real estate in Chirpan city, Stara Zagora district was announced. The properties belong to the debtor "Serdika AD" and are declared for sale to satisfy the claim of "State guarantee." The first property is land property with identifier 81414.502.39, with area of 5497 sq.m, intended for production or warehouse. The second property is a building with identifier 81414.502.3932.1 with an area of 1627 sq.m, has 4 floors and is intended for industrial activity. The third property is a building with identifier 81414.502.3932.2, with an area of 174 sq.m, with one floor and intended for industrial activity. The fourth property is a building with identifier 81414.502.3932.3, with an area of 34 sq.m, with one floor and intended for industrial activity. The sale will be held in Chirpan District Court, with anyone willing to participate and offer a price higher than the starting price. Proposals shall be submitted in an opaque envelope and shall be opened to present bidders. It is mandatory to submit a billing order prior to the tender. Offers for a price exceeding the starting price by more than 30% shall be considered invalid. The sale shall be declared concluded after a record has been drawn up and declared to the buyer in accordance with the legal requirements.

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