Public sale of real estate belonging to the debtor V.C.T., organized by private court contractor Ivelina Bivolova, with registration number Ho869 of the Chamber of Private Judicial Contractors. The property sold to satisfy the claim of "K.K.G. BG" Ltd. is an empty yard with an area of 1180 sq.m., located in the village of Byalo pole, municipality of Opan. The property is regulated land property X-537, in district 114 as planned by the village of Whitefield, with certain boundaries. On the property there are several burdens in favor of different demands. The public sale of the real estate will take place in the office of the District Court in Stara Zagora, with anyone willing to participate by bidding for a higher price than the initial one. The participation requires the contribution of 1004 BGN to the account of the private court contractor Ivelina Bivolova at Eurobank Bulgaria AD. The bids must indicate their price in numbers and words and submit their offer in a sealed envelope. The proposals are accepted at the District Court in Stara Zagora, as invalid are considered the proposals below the starting price or exceeding it by more than 30%. The sale of the property will take place on 11 February 2021 in the presence of the private judicial contractor Ivelina Bivolova and the buyer.
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