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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of farmland in Byalo pole, district Opan

starting price: € 1950
area: 7978 m2

Public sale of real estate under the order of Art. 501a GPC, executive case No. 20238690400086, with area of action private court contractor Ivelina Bivolova. The property is located in Stara Zagora, on 95 H.D. Asenov Str., floor 2, office 3. The subject of the public sale are real estate belonging to the debtor Hristinka Mincheva, representing "KOIN CONSULT" Ltd. The first property is levels with identifier 07819.74.21, located in Byalo village, Opan municipality, Stara Zagora district, with an area of 7 978 sq.m. Neighbors of the property have IDs 07819.74.30, 07819.74.9, 07819.74.22, 07819.74.33, 07819.73.169. The starting price of the property is BGN 3680 and the sale will take place on 10.05.2023. The second property is levels with identifier 07819.34.2 located also in the village of Byala, Opan municipality, Stara Zagora district, with area of 7 978 sq.m. Neighbors of this property have IDs 07819.34.67, 07819.34.3, 07819.34.72, 077819.34.1. The starting price of this property is also BGN 3680 and the sale will take place on 10.05.2023. The sale will be made via an online auction on the Ministry of Justice platform. The registration of the bids will be between 28.11.2023 and 28.12.2023 and the auctions will start on 02.01.2024 at 09:00 and will end on 08.01.2024 at 17:00. There are also deadlines for registration and participation in the tender, as well as the possibility of financing by credit institutions. All who wish to inspect the properties must pay a fee of 10% of the starting price of the property.

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