Public sale of real estate belonging to a company has been announced PENITA OOD, in the village of Buzovgrad, Kazanlak municipality, Stara Zagora district. The property has identifier 06848.23.9, with area of 4707 sq.m, intended for parking. The starting price for the property is BGN 48 000. There are burdens on the property by banning in favour of the demandr and other persons. The interested parties may review the documents on the sale for detailed information on the property in the court contractor's office. The fee for participation in the sale is BGN 1090 and is paid in advance on the account of the court contractor. Offers for purchase are accepted in the office of the Regional Court of Kazanlak and are reflected in the entry register. On 22.11.2023 the public sale will take place, where the highest bidder will be declared a buyer. In the event of more than one bidder offering the highest price, bidding is held between them.
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