Public sale of real estate, owned by the debtor N.A.M. from the village of Bratia Kunchev, organized by private judicial contractor Gergana Ilcheva was announced. The property for sale is regulated land property with identifier S - 78 of quarter 12 PUP in the village of Bratia Kunchev, O.S.Z. The property has an area of 905 sq. m. and borders with streets and other properties. The starting price for the property is BGN 4,920. On the property are registered burdens for the benefit of different creditors. Those who wish to participate in the bidding must submit a call of 10% of the starting price in advance to the contractor's bank account. The bids must present their offer in a sealed envelope with the amount and receipt for the submitted bid. The proposals must be submitted to the Office of the District Court in Stara Zagora by the specified deadline. Bidding proposals by persons without the right to participate, proposals for a price below the starting price or exceeding it by more than 30% shall be considered invalid. The next day after the deadline for submission of proposals is completed, in the building of the District Court in Stara Zagora, the court contractor will announce the proposals received and draw up a protocol. A buyer of the property is considered the bidder who offered the highest price. In the event that one of the bids offers an oral price higher than the amount of one bid, a new buyer will be announced. All amounts above 30 000 BGN require a declaration of the origin of the funds according to the legislation. All details and procedures are described in the advert of the private judicial contractor.
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