Public sale of real estate, owned by the debtor N.A.M. from the village of Bratia Kunchev, was announced to satisfy the claim of Banka DSK AD. The property is a regulated plot of land with an area of 905 sq. m, located in 12 sq.m of the village of Bratia Kunchev, Stara Zagora municipality. The starting price of the property is BGN 7 106.40. On the property are registered burdens for the benefit of different creditors. Those who wish to inspect the property during the working days during the public sale. Participation in the bidding is required to pay 10% of the starting price of the property in advance on a bank account. The bids must offer their price in figures and words, the tender submitted to be in a sealed envelope. Any person can make only one bidding offer. The proposals are accepted in the office of the District Court, Stara Zagora until 27.04.2023. On 28.04.2023 will be announced the buyer of the property, and if one of the bids offers a price higher with the size of one round, an oral bid will be held. For all amounts over 30 000 BGN a declaration must be filed under the Law on Measures against Money Laundering. Gergana Ilcheva is a private judicial contractor responsible for conducting the public sale.
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