Public sale of real estate, owned by Arkor Propertis AD, is announced, which are the subject of a performance case under number Ho 20239270400263. The first property with identifier 22006.104.22 is located in Sofia district, Dolna Banya, on 134 Commercial Street. It is an area of 1815 sq.m, including a basement and a ceiling, and is owned by Arkor Propertis AD. Other ID property 22006.104.23 is also located in the town of Dolna Banya, on 134 Commercial Street, and is an area of 2919 sq.m, including a basement and ceiling. It is also owned by Arkor Propertis AD. The two properties were estimated at BGN 3484.80 and BGN 5604.50 respectively. The property tax assessment certificates are valid until 30.06.2023. The transfer of property rights on these properties is permitted provided that there are no outstanding public public and municipal obligations. The sale is carried out by judicial contractor Stoyan Lazarov.
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