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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Villa, Chalet, Hut

Auction sale of villa, chalet, hut in Skravena, district Botevgrad

starting price: € 42202
area: 110 m2

Public sale of real estate, which is owned by the debtor I.L.P. The property is regulated land estate HUG-74, located in district 5 according to the regulation plan of the villa area "Losia" in the village of Skravena, Botevgrad municipality, Sofia district. The property has a regulated area of 672 sq.m. and includes a two-storey massive villa building with an area of 55.34 sq.m. and RPB 110 sq.m. The building was restored to the debtor's patrimony I.L.P. The starting price of the property is 82 539.00 BGN. There are weights on the property, including included in the register office in Botevgrad, as well as weights on the building that are registered in the judicial office. The book on the property will be deposited in the register of RS-Botevgrad, where potential buyers can get acquainted with them. To participate in the bidding is required to pay 1090 BGN from the starting price by bank transfer. The bidding proposals will be opened on 26.11.2024 in the presence of the participants in the building of Botevgrad District Court. Proposals exceeding the starting price by more than 30% shall be considered invalid. The declared buyer must pay the full price for the property within two weeks, depositing a declaration of origin of the funds to purchase the property. The deal ends on 25.11.2024 at the end of the business day.

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