Public sale of real estate belonging to D.C. has been announced. D... The property is located in the village of Skravena, Botevgrad municipality, Sofia region, on the area "Gramade" with an area of 600.26 sq.m. The property has a massive villa building with an area of 26.00 sq.m, including kitchen, living room, bedroom and corridor. The starting price of the property is 18 086.00 BGN. The property is burdened with a note for an inventory protocol that above the first floor there is an occupied sub-surface space that is not completed. Also, there is a burden in favor of the demandr listed in the Registry Office in Botevgrad. To participate in the public sale, the bids must pay 10% of the starting price by bank transfer. The bids can send their signed bidding offers through a sealed envelope to the District Court in Botevgrad. Only one bidding proposal is allowed and proposals exceeding the starting price by more than 30% are invalid. The sale ends on 26.08.2024 and the next day at 10:30 the bidding offers will be opened in the presence of the bids in the building of the District Court in Botevgrad. In the case of oral proposals for a higher price than the size of a bill, the court contractor shall reflect them in the minutes and the buyer with the highest price shall be declared a buyer. The declared buyer must pay the full price for the property within two weeks. For further information and consideration of the property, interested parties may contact the Private Judicial Contractor Magdalena Stoyanova on these phones.
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