Public sale of real estate, organized by private judicial contractor Magdalena Stoyanova was announced. The sale takes place in a case He: 20169280403129 and Protocol Ho: 475 / 20.09.2023 The property being sold is part of D.C.'s property. D. and is located in the village of Skravena, Botevgrad municipality, Sofia region, on Gramade Street. The property has an area of 600.26 sq.m. and includes a massive villa building with an area of 26.00 sq.m., which includes a kitchen, living room, bedroom and corridor. The starting price of the property is 22 224.00 BGN. The property has comments and burdens on it, which are entered in the Registry Office in Botevgrad. The book on the property will be deposited in the register of RS-Botevgrad, where potential buyers can get acquainted with them. Those who want to look at the property can do it on the spot. To participate in the bidding, buyers must submit a bill of 1000 BGN from the starting price at the account of the private court contractor Magdalena Stoyanova. Bidding ends on 20.11. 2023 and the opening of the bidding proposals will be held the next day in the building of Botevgrad District Court. Proposals exceeding the starting price by more than 30% shall be invalid. After the opening of the proposals, the buyer who offered the highest price will be announced. The declared buyer must pay the full price for the property within two weeks and deposit a declaration of the origin of the funds for the purchase of the property.
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