Public sale of real estate owned by G.N.H. has been announced. The first property is an ideal part of land property with identifier 66860.147.32 in the village of Order Skravena, Botevgrad municipality, Sofia, with area of 1100 sq.m., destination - agricultural levels. The starting price for this property is 24 BGN. The second property is an ideal part of land property with identifier 66860.79.8 in Skravena village, Botevgrad municipality, Sofia district, with area of 4502 sq.m., destination - agricultural meadow. The starting price for it is 16 200 BGN. The third property is an ideal part of land property with identifier 66860.170.361 in the village of Skravena, Botevgrad municipality, Sofia district, with an area of 1999 sq.m., destination - agricultural levels. The starting price for it is 576 BGN. The sale will take place in Botevgrad District Court from 23.02.2023 until 23.03.2023. A property review may be carried out after prior arrangement with the private judicial contractor. A deposit of 10% of the starting price is required to be paid by 17:00 on 23.03.2023. The bids can be submitted to the office of the Regional Court of Botevgrad.
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