Public sale of real estate, organized by private court contractor Stoyan Lazarov was announced. The sale refers to a yard in the village of Skraven, Sofia region, with an area of 1 146 sq.m., including a one-storey residential building and a strawstone. The starting price of the property is 78 400 BGN. The sale will take place in Botevgrad District Court from 23.02.2023 until 23.03.2023 and will end on 24.03.2023. The protocol will be drawn up in the presence of the bids. A view of the property is possible after prior arrangement with the contractor. To participate in the tender, a deposit of 10% of the starting price is required in a bank account of the contractor. Proposals for bidding shall exceed the starting price by at least 30%. The proposals shall be adopted in the Office of the Regional Court by the time specified.
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