Public sale of real estate, organized by private court contractor Stoyan Lazarov was announced. The sale will take place from 12.12.2022 to 12.01.2023 and covers the following properties owned by Nikolova Hristova: 1. Property with identifier 66860.103.7 located in the village of Skravena, municipality of Vodnitsa, with area of 0.99 deka, category of land 6, with initial price 30.00 BGN 2. Property with identifier 66860.147.32, with area of 1.100 acres, land category 5, with initial price 360.00 BGN 3. Property with identifier 66860.79.8, with area of 4.503 dca, category of land 6, with initial price 640.00 BGN 4. Property with identifier 66860.170.361, with area of 1.999 deca, category of land 6, with initial price 18 000.00 лв. The sale will be made through public bidding, which will be held in the building of the District Court in Botevgrad. Participants must submit a deposit certificate to a bank and a price offer in a sealed envelope. The bids must deposit within a specified time limit and draw up only one bidding offer. All proposals submitted will be reviewed and evaluated. All details of the properties and the procedure of the sale are available in the office of the District Court in Botevgrad.
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