Public sale of real estate, owned by N.I.I. The property is a regulated land property with planar number 1-185 in sq. 6 according to the plan of Skravena village, Botevgrad municipality, Sofia district. The property has an administrative address in Botevgrad, 6 Latinka Ho Street, with an area of 1327 sq.m. by evidence and 1915 sq.m. by sketch. The property has a two-storey massive residential building with a total built-up area of 176 sq.m., two commercial buildings with an area of 172 sq.m. and one-storey massive building with an area of 225 sq.m. The properties are burdened with a mortgage for the benefit of the applicant listed in the Registry Office in Botevgrad. To participate in the public sale, buyers must submit a bill of 1020 BGN to the bank UNICREDIT at the account of Private Judicial Contractor Magdalena Stoyanova. The offer of a buyer is accepted in a sealed envelope in the District Court of Botevgrad. The sellers can take a look at the property by location. The sale ends on 12.01.2023 and the bidding proposals will be opened on 13.01.2023 at 10:30 in Botevgrad District Court. In the event of bids that have appeared on the spot, the court contractor may accept oral proposals for a higher price. The highest bidder must deposit a declaration of origin of the funds within two weeks.
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