Public sale of real estate by a private court contractor, Radost Goranova-Cholakova, with court case He 20229250400352. The property with identifier 83294.258 is an unbuilt land property in the village of Shiroki dol, Samokov municipality, with an area of 700 sq.m, designed for a villa building. The property is described by Protocol of 16.02.2023 and a fixed starting price of 39 040.00 BGN. The starting price of the first public sale is 136.00 BGN. The amount in the bidding proposal shall not exceed 3080 of the starting price. The owner of the property is the debtor IMPORT EXPORT. The property is banned from execution proceedings He 20229250400352. The sale will take place from 30.08.2023 to 02.10.2023 at Samokov District Court. The property can be viewed freely and a fee of 24.00 BGN with VAT is paid to examine the documents. It is mandatory to submit a call for participation in the bidding.
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