Public sale of real estate owned by debtor A.K.E. 000275929 has been announced. The property is on cadastral map and cadastral registers approved by the order of the Executive Director of AGK, located in the village of Prolesha, Bozhurishte municipality, Sofia district. The property is an undeveloped plot of land with an area of 8990 sq.m., built on it - parking / shed with an area of 4000 sq.m. The starting price for the property is 1 421 760 BGN with VAT included. The sale lasts for one month and takes place in the building of R.S.S., Slivnitsa, 84 Paisii Hilendarski Str. The bidding proposals will be opened on 13.10.2023. The sale will be made by oral bidding, as a buyer is considered to be the highest bidder. In case of default by the declared buyer, the property shall be offered to the next bidder. Those willing to participate in the sale must deposit 10% of the starting price. All proposals submitted must be in writing and include a receipt for the deposit submitted. Proposals by persons who are not entitled to participate in the sale, as well as proposals for a price below or above the limits set, shall be considered invalid. The sales book is available in the office of R.S.S. and the property can be viewed at the following address: prolesha village, Bozhurishte municipality, "Europe" Blvd. Ho 159.
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