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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Villa, Chalet, Hut

Auction sale of villa, chalet, hut in Galabovo, district Galabovo

starting price: € 41580
area: 109 m2

Public sale of real estate, owned by K.K.K., organized by private court contractor Stoyan Lazarov was announced. The first property is identified by an identifier 57443.17.86, located in the village of Polyantsi, municipality of Ihtiman, Sofia, with an area of 1460 sq.m., purpose - agricultural, way of use - fields, category of land - 5, with an initial price of 3 240.00 BGN. The second property has an identifier 57443.304.86, with area of 3212 sq. m., purpose - agricultural, way of use - meadow, category of land - 5, with initial price of 6 840.00 BGN. The third property has an identifier 57443.20.86, area of 1420 sq.m., purpose - agricultural, method of use - levels, land category - 5, with initial price of 2 880.00 BGN. The sale will take place in the Regional Court of Ihtiman from 30.09.2024 to 30.10.2024 and participation requires a deposit of 10% of the starting price. The bids must submit a document on the deposit deposited and submit their bidding offer in a sealed envelope. The bidding proposals must be submitted to the Ihtiman District Court office.

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