Public sale of real estate, owned by K.K.K., organized by private court contractor Stoyan Lazarov was announced. The sale will take place under executive case No 20229270401673 in the Ihtiman District Court building from 26.06.2024 to 26.07.2024. The real estate to be sold is as follows: 1. Land property with identifier 57443.17.86 in the village of Polyantsi, municipality of Ihtiman, municipality of Sofia, with area of 1460 sq.m., purpose - agricultural, way of use - fields, category of land - 5, starting price 3 600.00 BGN. 2. Land property with identifier 57443.304.86 in the village of Polyantsi, municipality of Ihtiman, municipality of Sofia, with area of 3212 sq. m., purpose - agricultural, way of use - meadow, category of land - 5, starting price 7 600.00 BGN. 3. Land property with identifier 57443.20.86 in the village of Polyantsi, municipality of Ihtiman, municipality of Sofia, with area of 1420 sq.m., purpose - agricultural, method of use - levels, category of land - 5, starting price 3 200.00 BGN. Each participant must submit a deposit deposit document of 10% of the initial selling price at the account of the private court contractor Stoyan Lazarov. The bidding will take place in the presence of the contractor and a protocol will be drawn up under the law. A property view may be carried out after prior arrangement with the contractor. All details of the sale are available at the Ihtiman District Court Office.
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