Public sale of real estate, owned by K.K.K. The first property is indicated by identifier 57443.28.86, with an area of 3600 sq. m, intended for agricultural levels, category of land 5. The starting price is 10 400 BGN. The second property has an identifier 57443.17.86, with an area of 1460 sq. m, also intended for agricultural levels, land category 5. The starting price is BGN 4,400. The third property has identifier 57443.304.86, area of 3212 sq. m, purpose for meadow, category of land 5. The starting price is BGN 9 440. The fourth property has identifier 57443.20.86, area of 1420 sq. m, purpose for levels category of land 5. The starting price is BGN 5,840. The fifth property has identifier 57443.18.86, area of 2001 sq. m, purpose for levels category of land 5. The starting price is BGN 5,840. The sixth property has an identifier 57443.254.86, with an area of 2000 sq.m., a purpose for levels category of land 5. The starting price is BGN 5,840. The sale will take place in Ihtiman District Court from 03.10.2023 to 03.11.2023. The announced starting price must be paid as a deposit until 03.11.2023. Each participant must submit a deposit deposit document of 10% of the starting price. The bidding will take place on the spot and a protocol will be drawn up. Each participant may submit only one bidding offer. Offers for a price below the initial or more than 30% are invalid.
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