Public sale of real estate, owned by K.K.K. The first property is identified by an identifier 57443.28.86, located in the village of Polyantsi, Ihtiman municipality, with a way of lasting use - fields, with an area of 3600 sq.m. and an initial price of 10 400 BGN. The second property has an identifier 57443.17.86, with an area of 1460 sq.m., also with a way of lasting use - fields, and an initial price of 4 400 BGN. Third property with identifier 57443.304.86, has an area of 3212 sq. m. and has a way of lasting use - meadow, with an initial price of 9 440 BGN. The fourth property has an identifier 57443.20.86, with an area of 1420 sq. m, with a way of lasting use - levels, and an initial price of BGN 5 840. The fifth property has an identifier 57443.18.86, with an area of 2001 sq.m., with a way of lasting use - levels, and an initial price of 4 000 BGN. The sixth property has an identifier 57443.254.86, with an area of 2000 sq. m, with a way of lasting use - levels, and an initial price of 5 840 BGN. The sale will take place in Ihtiman District Court in the specified period and will end on the last working day. A property review may be carried out after prior arrangement with the private judicial contractor. A deposit of 10% of the starting price to be paid by the specified date is required for participation in the auction. The biders submit their proposals in sealed envelopes and can only make one offer. Offers with a price below the initial or more than 30% are invalid.
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