Public sale of real estate, owned by K.K., in implementation case No 20229270401673 was announced. The first property is indicated by identifier 57443.28.86, with an area of 3600 sq.m., destination - agricultural levels, category of land 5. The starting price is 43 117 BGN. The second property has identifier 57443.17.86, area of 1460 sq.m., destination - agricultural levels, category of land 5. The starting price is BGN 4 716. The third property has identifier 57443.304.86, with area of 3212 sq. m., purpose - meadow, category of land 5. The starting price is 10 350 BGN. The fourth property has identifier 57443.20.86, area of 1420 sq. m., destination - agricultural levels, category of land 5. The starting price is BGN 4 608. The fifth property has identifier 57443.18.86, area of 2001 sq.m., destination - agricultural levels, category of land 5. The starting price is 6 480 BGN. The sixth property has identifier 57443.254.86, with area of 2000 sq.m., purpose - levels category of land 5. The starting price is 6 480 BGN. The sale will take place in Ihtiman District Court from 07.07.2023 to 07.08.2023. Participation requires a deposit of 10% of the starting price and submission of a written proposal.
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