Public sale of real estate, owned by Kostadinka Kancheva, was announced in the performance case #202229270401673. The sale will take place from 18.04.2023 to 18.05.2023 on the following properties: 1. Land property in the village of Polyantsi, Ihtiman municipality, with an area of 3600 sq. m., with an initial price of 13 000 BGN 2. Land property in the village of Polyantsi, Ihtiman municipality, with an area of 1460 sq. m., with initial price of 5 240 BGN 3. Land property in the village of Polyantsi, Ihtiman municipality, with an area of 3212 sq. m., with initial price of 5 240 BGN 4. Land property in the village of Polyantsi, Ihtiman municipality, with an area of 1420 sq. m., with initial price of 7 200 BGN 5. Land property in the village of Polyantsi, Ihtiman municipality, with an area of 2001 sq. m., with initial price of 7 200 BGN 6. Land property in the village of Polyantsi, Ihtiman municipality, with an area of 2000 sq. m., with initial price of 7 200 BGN. The properties have a lasting purpose for agricultural activities, different categories of land and different neighbors on a sketch. The sale will take place in Ihtiman District Court and participation in the tender requires a deposit of 10% of the starting price. The bids must be presented in a sealed envelope by the end of the working day on the last day of the sale. Bidding offers by persons without the right to participate, below the starting price or with more than 30% of the starting price are invalid.
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