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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

Property Auctions
Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Garage, Parking

Auction sale of garage, parking in Burgas, district Burgas

starting price: € 4507
area: 13 m2

Public sale of properties organized by the private judicial contractor Magdalena Stoyanova was announced. The sale is held for the property of Lyubomir Stoyanova and includes two soil properties in the municipality of Bozhurishte, Sofia. The first property has an identifier 77246.22.159 and has an area of 4,202 acres, with a lasting purpose for agricultural purposes located in the village of Herakovo. The second property has an identifier 77246.22.161 and has an area of 2,999 decares, also with a lasting purpose for agricultural, located in the same village. The properties have neighbours and borders, are urbanized and are designed for another kind of construction. The initial prices of the properties are 195 200.00 BGN and 139 200.00 BGN respectively. The properties are burdened with prohibitions and burdens entered in the Registry Office. In order to participate in the bidding, the bids must be submitted to the bank account of the private judicial contractor. The sale ends on 21.12.2022, and the next day the bidding proposals will be opened in the building of the District Court of Slivnitsa. The bidder, who offered the highest price and deposited the full amount, became a buyer of the property.

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