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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

Property Auctions
Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Land for building

Auction sale of land for building in Mramor, district Stolichna

starting price: € 22988
area: 2466 m2

Public sale of real estate, organized by private judicial contractor Milen Buzinski, has been announced. The first property is land property /livada / with identifier 49206.2638.25, with area 2.466 deca, located in the village of Mramor, Sofia municipality, Novi Iskar district. The price of the property is set at 44 960 BGN. The second property is land property with identifier 49206.2668.73, with an area of 1534.00 sq.m., with sustainable agricultural levels. The price of the second property is BGN 28 240. The third property is land property with identifier 49206.2668.72, with area 2313.00 sq.m., also for sustainable agricultural levels, and price of the property 42 500 BGN. All properties are located in the village of Marble, Sofia Municipality, Sofia District. The properties are burdened with different burdens and rights as follows: claim application for division and ban on immovable property. Those who wish to examine the property can do so every day or after prior appointment within the period from 18.10.2024 to 18.11.2024 at the address of the village of Mramor, Municipality of Sofia. To participate in the tender, the bidders must submit a pre-order of 10% of the property price. The bidding proposals should be submitted to the Sofia District Court office by 18.11.2024, 17:00. Proposals which do not comply with the conditions are invalid. On 19.11.2024 a tender will be held for the sale of the properties in Sofia District Court and the buyer will be announced according to the provisions of the GPC. For more information and details, please contact private judicial contractor Ivan Ruskov at 0893 446 471.

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